Dili to Kupang takes about 12 hours you receive a complimentary snack box before you leave. Maybe sleeping tablets would be better. I was sitting in the front so I could take photos with the window wound down. Little did I realise that I would be seeing everything up close the pot holes, the splits in the road, the very skinny road, the sea down on the side(no guard rails), the trucks, the road works and the schedule the driver needs to keep to reguardless of the previously mentioned road works. I felt like I was in Nepal between Katmandu and Pokara the wide rivers with gravel and fine dust the roads.
The bad decision was sitting in the front – we stopped for an accident moved seating position -what I didn’t know was easier on my nerves.
The bad decision was sitting in the front – we stopped for an accident moved seating position -what I didn’t know was easier on my nerves.
It was great seeing the countryside from the road rather than a plane but there will be no rush to repeat it.
Now in Kupang the port for many places Bligh found it years ago.
Great seafood at the night market and music at the Lavalon bar with the sound of waves quietly splashing on the shore.
Great Ann - impressive! I am on this journey of discovery in IT with you! - and how we can use more with the students in a manageable way