Saturday, 30 June 2012

29 July
Bedugul one of the food bowl areas of Bali, on a round about there is this huge cement sweetcorn husk with all the – about 2 meters tall resplendent in yellow and green. There is lots of food grown around here, broccoli, strawberries, as well flowers – orchids. At the Botanical Gardens in Bedugul there is a tourist attraction called Tree top adventures. A Flying fox through the trees sounded like fun. That sounded good until you realise you have to put a harness on with clips etc.  Everyone looks as if they are wearing a nappy!! When you are high up on platforms and walking on steel cables you are very grateful of ‘the nappy’. I had to face my fears of heights and my lack of co-ordination was exposed.
It cost US$21 and in rupiah it was 199,500. That was Rosie and Leah on the black course - too extreme for me.

On the way to Bedugul we stopped at one of the coffee houses where you can sample Bali Coffee, Civat Cat Coffee - coffee Lubak and chocolate. The next photo is of cacao fruit that is ripe. The taste of the fruit outside the seeds is like a mangostein with a probable chocolate edge. The seeds you cannot eat and need to be fermented/curing before they are used as chocolate. 

Friday, 29 June 2012

The blessing of the cars 

On the 29th was a busy day for cars. In Bali there is a special ceremony for all things made of metal – that includes cars and motorbikes. All the ‘cuci mobil’ shops for washing cars and motorbikes had lots of business the day before. In the morning the cars are blessed prayed over and decorated. The decorations are made of palm leaf and placed on the front of the car and motorbikes.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Back in Bali

I am back in Indonesia again- very lucky.
it’s warm
Arrived three days ago. It is warm. In a room with a fan on it gets too warm by the morning! It is hard to remember it is cold at home!!!
Walking along the beach – you could walk forever and it seems we did trying to find our way back to the main road. All we could find was a small laneway that went through villas and ricefields. Every year more buildings are covering the rice fields– like Australia our best land for growing things is going to be under concrete or destroyed by other development.
There is no more the green revolution it is the concrete and steel revolution.

Nasi Campur (rice with a mix)  10k (Rp10,000) for lunch check out the picture the exchange rate is about Rp9,400 to one dollar. How much was my meal?
Our meals aren’t all that price but you could survive well on $20 a day if you were not travelling much and eating local food.